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Treasure came to the shelter with some issues walking. She had been in pain and was having a hard time putting her leg down and putting pressure on it. Dogs are such troopers because Treasure didn’t complain at all.

The vets ordered x rays, but they weren’t prepared for what they saw. Treasure had been shot and there was shrapnel all around her leg. Worst of all is that it was an old injury with lots of scar tissue.

After a rescue pulled her, she was taken to a local vet for a second opinion, to see if there were options. The goal was to save the leg if possible but that wasn’t in the cards for Treasure.  Friends of Baltimore County Dogs, FOBCD, paid for the second opinion and ultimately for the surgery to amputate her leg.

Setting the dogs up for the best possible adoption by meeting their medical needs is one way we save our dogs. As you can see from these photos, Treasure is doing great and has a wonderful family, who just happens to have been the foster family. They fell madly in love with her and couldn’t part with Treasure.

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Friends of Baltimore County Dogs is involved in making the lives of the shelter dogs at Baltimore County Animal Services, as comfortable as possible, while they are homeless. One thing became obvious to us was that these dogs need safer and more comfortable beds. These beds had to be sturdy to last but also safer than what they had. Our solution was the aluminum framed bed, so they couldn’t be chewed apart.

A board member, at that time, contacted the Kurunda company and set up a fundraiser for the dogs in the adoptable room. We posted the fundraiser on our Facebook page and it took off. Every kennel in the adoptable room and the stray room, all 52 of them, were provided with a brand new comfortable bed courtesy of the community. You can see from the photos that a place to lay, relax, sleep, chew on a toy, is important. This is what we are all about!

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Friends of Baltimore County Dogs use large amounts of Milk Bones. We always have a need for the mini bones and the medium bones. Whether it’s for training, socializing or just as a treat we always have our pockets full with them!

A dog that knows some behaviors such as, sit, paw, stay and down are more likely to be adopted. Treats give any dog that little extra motivation to learn some new
things. It’s also a little snack when adopters come to meet any dog. Offering a
treat could be a great way for an adopter and a dog to make a connection.

If you would like to contribute to our Milk Bone Connection, our Amazon Wishlist link and PayPal links are below. We have some higher value treats on our Amazon Wishlist also, for dogs that aren’t very treat motivated. These high value treats are a REAL treat.

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As volunteers, we see our shelter dogs daily, interact with these dogs and advocate for these dogs. Khloe is a special girl who FOBCD identified as a wonderful dog that needed to be out of the shelter ASAP for medical help. It became obvious that, even though many people came to meet her and wanted her, the surgery for her knee was too much for anyone to take on.

With our help and the help of another wonderful rescue, Adopt A Homeless Animal, AAHA, we came up with a plan to get Khloe what she needed. A foster was found for her so she could recover in comfort. With the help of our board members, Jen and Rebecca, a Facebook fundraiser was started. Not only did FOBCD raise the funds necessary for the surgery and after care, we were given a grant from the Ian Somerhalder Foundation, thanks to Rebecca.  The community that pulled together to donate for Khloe was astonishing, to say the least!

Now, Khloe will have the life she deserves and get to be the dog she has always dreamed of, running around freely and charming everyone with her playfulness and personality.

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Mental stimulation is a big factor while in the shelter. One thing we make sure we provide is a constant supply of toys, and this is a big deal! When the toys are not in good condition they are replaced. There is always a need for new and different toys.

The happiness the dogs get from being in the off-leash areas, throwing around a toy, carrying the balls and ropes around, interacting with the volunteers is priceless. Snuffle mats are a big hit with every dog and the puzzle toys that we hide treats in help to keep their minds sharp.

In their kennels, enrichment toys are extremely important. Trying to keep them busy can be as simple as a treat filled kong or a chew toy. Always looking for better and different items for them to work with is something we concentrate on. This is why our Amazon Wishlist changes at times.

If you would like to contribute to our never ending need for theses items, the link is below!